HomeTECHNOLOGY3 Tips To Ensure That You Do NOT Forget Your Passwords

3 Tips To Ensure That You Do NOT Forget Your Passwords


Protecting your privacy online has become a very challenging task. Most people don’t know how to deal with the data in the most efficient way. The hackers tack advantage of the weak spot and store critical information. The users often forget the password and in the worst-case scenario, they lose control of their account. So, is there any you by which you will never forget your password? Well, there are a few tricks you can use so that you don’t forget the password. After reading this article, you will consider yourself a tech Guru since you will learn lots of new things that will allow you to keep your password safe all the time.

Use Algorithmic Password

The word algorithm is very common and most of us have heard of this term. But if you do some digging, you will notice that majority of the people don’t know the true meaning of algorithm. It’s nothing but systemically doing things. When you set up the password, you should not set the value to obvious. For instance, using your name, birthdate, birthplace, etc. are very common to assume. The hackers can use the brute force attack and gain access to your account. But with some minor tweaks, you can create an alphanumeric password by using the simple algorithm. Let’s make it easier for you to understand.

Let’s say, you live in New York. So, you can set the password like N3wy0rkw3n. You might be thinking it’s a very complex password and you will easily forget it. But if you break the password into two parts, we have N3wy0rk and w3n. The first part is spelled like New York, but we have used some numeric combinations. And the last character is nothing but the first three characters of the password written from backward. Now you know how to set the password in an algorithmic manner which is very hard to forget.

Use A Password Manager

If you want to avoid the hassle, you can use the password manager. People are always asking how to buy password manager. A great solutions is using password manager like Dashlane. You don’t have to spend any money and the password will be stored in the encrypted medium. So, if you want to keep yourself and avoid the hassle of forgetting the password you can use a password manager. The best thing about the Dashlane is the user interface. It is super easy to use and any novice user can rely on it. You don’t have to learn complicated technique of using the personal computer as the Dashlane will take care of all these issues.

Some of you might be thinking that spending money on such a password manager is a big waste. But if you do some digging, you will find many free password managers that works like charm. However, it is highly recommended that you go for the paid password manager when you have sophisticated information on the personal computer. And never forget the fact, paid things are always better than the free stuff. Remember, hackers, are not going to play fair. You need help from the professionals to stay protected all the time. And with the help of these password managers, you will never have to worry about forgetting the password. You can view the password for the list of portals by using a master password.

Use Logical Lines With An Alphanumeric Combination

To set a complex password you can use some logical lines. This is a great way to create a super-strong password and the brute force attack won’t do any harm. So, how can we use logical lines to create an alphanumeric password? It’s more like setting up the password like using the algorithmic method. In this case, it will be much stronger as the length will be much bigger.

Let’s, you love to trade programming. So, the logical lines for your password are “I love programming”. So, we can create a unique password line “1l0veProgR@mm1ng”. This was just a simple example of how you can create a logical password line switch alphanumeric combination. Even some of the hardcore users and hackers use this method since it is very hard to crack. Though you might not be able to type these kinds of passwords in a fast-paced manner it will secure your data from the hackers. Most importantly, you won’t forget such a password.

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