Sales copy is a text aimed at converting leads. Follow the content and see the main formulas used in this approach and tips to boost your business’s conversions.
Articles, texts, posts… quality and well-written content are fundamental in Digital Marketing strategies.
At the top and middle of the sales funnel, these materials aim to attract and educate leads throughout their purchasing journey. At the bottom of the funnel stage, the strategy must use more direct, engaging texts that can influence the purchasing decision.
This is where sales copy comes in, a format for convincing potential customers to complete a deal. Clear messages are designed with a strategy that follows good copywriting practices.
Copywriting is a technique focused on persuading and converting. In other words, a text is created to sell a product or service to a potential customer.
Practically, sales copy is an approach companies use to show their leads everything their solutions offer them.
Every day, we receive these messages in advertisements on social networks, emails and offline advertisements, such as banners and brochures. Sales copy is part of our daily lives, whether we realize it or not.
In Digital Marketing, this technique won the favour of writers and became essential for persuading these leads and transforming them into consumers.
A brand that only shows its products to one person will not earn revenue since its efforts do not include something fundamental: sales.
This is why conversion becomes so important during a person’s purchasing journey. Through this, the company transforms a lead into an actual consumer.
But for this to happen, you need a gentle push in the right direction, and this is where sales copy comes in. This writing method aims to persuade that person with messages written primarily for them.
With the right messages, the public is incentivized to purchase since these messages show precisely what they need to see about the brand and its solutions.
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The conversion-oriented writing method has gained some formulas that help produce text that makes sense to the reader and fulfils its primary objective: sales.
Check out some of the main formulas that are part of copywriting:
AIDA is one of the best-known approaches when it comes to sales copy. This is because its structure follows important points that catch the reader’s attention and show exactly what they should do.
The acronym means:
In the original English acronym, Problem-Agitate-Solve, PAS is the sales copy formula based on the stages of “problems”, “agitation”, and “solution”.
FAB is an approach that directly shows the characteristics of the product, the advantages it offers and its benefits. Thought-provoking, right?
Find out what the acronym means and how to put it into action:
BAB is an approach that creates a short story that shows the lead exactly which path to take to meet their needs and the benefits of doing so.
Check the meaning of the acronym:
Finally, we have a model with the ideal structure to attract the reader’s attention through the mental trigger of urgency.
Check out the 4U’s approach:
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