HomeSOCIAL MEDIAFrom Limited Accounts To "Sorted" Filters: 8 Useful Instagram Tricks You Should...

From Limited Accounts To “Sorted” Filters: 8 Useful Instagram Tricks You Should Know


From limiting a user’s account to the order of filters, from saving the audio of the Reels to organizing the saved Items in folders: Instagram offers many opportunities to optimize your stay on the social platform.

1. Restrict An Account

Instagram is undoubtedly one of the most popular social networks. It offers numerous sharing possibilities: simple posts, funny stories, and engaging reels. In this way, the platform tries to satisfy the different users. 

Therefore, it is straightforward at the level of use, but by navigating more, perhaps entering the menu to which little attention is paid, you will discover some exciting features. 

For example, it is possible not to let a particular user know when you are online or read their last sent message. It will be enough to limit it, with the appropriate function called Limit: it will be sufficient to enter the profile of the chosen person, click on the three dots arranged horizontally at the top right and select the item Limit the account. By using this option, account comments will also be restricted

2. Clear Your Search History

It happens to everyone to research on Instagram that, perhaps, it would be better not to be in the public domain. Not surprisingly, there is a way to clear your entire search history quickly. We access our profile, click on the three lines at the top right and choose Settings: at this point, select the item Security and, at the bottom, click on Clear the search history. Once on the new page, we choose to Delete all.

3. Sort The Filters

Moving on, instead, to the publication phase of a post, it could be helpful to have in plain sight the filters that we use the most. It is, in fact, possible to move them to the top positions and have them immediately available: while creating a post, on the filters page, you can hold down the one you want and drag it to the position you want.

4. Organize Your Saved Items Into Folders

If you usually save many posts and contents of various kinds that you can relate to at any time, this advice could help you in the following search. By default, all the saved contents are stored in a single folder called All posts. 

Over time, it will be challenging to find specific posts previously added. For this, Instagram allows you to add other folders, thus organizing the archive based on the different contents. It will be sufficient to access your profile; click on the three lines at the top right and select the item Saved items: entered the page, click on the + button at the top right to create a new collection.

5. Secure comments

If your post has received numerous comments, you can pin the most interesting or the most popular ones at the top. Position yourself on the desired comment and swipe to the left: at this point, all we have to do is click on the pin-shaped icon to fix the comment. You can do this in three different comments, and in all cases, whoever commented will be notified.

6. Discover The Users With Whom There Have Been Few Interactions

Instagram also offers users the ability to see which accounts we interact with the least, thus helping us to reflect on whether to follow them again. Just enter your profile and click on Followed: at this point, by selecting the item Users with whom you have interacted the least, a list of accounts with which there have been no interactions in the last 60 days will be available.

7. Saving The Audio Of A Reel

If you’ve come across a Reel that caught your attention, thanks also to the music used, then this little tip could help you. It is possible to save the same audio used by the user to listen to it later or create your own Instagram Reel

While watching the content, just click on the name of the song, which is at the bottom of the Reel being played. A specific page will open where we can click on the Save audio option, which will allow us to find the desired song in the Saved Items collection – in the Audio files folder -, accessible from our profile.

8. Use The Enter key

The last tip concerns the keyboard used by default by Instagram: the most attentive, in fact, will have noticed that when writing a post or comment there is no Enter key to go to the head. In reality it has not disappeared, but is simply found in the keyboard dedicated to numbers: therefore, just click on the key of the characters “123” to make the Enter key visible.

 To use the same audio in one of our Reels, during creation, it will be sufficient to click on the Audio option and – finally – select the Saved item, which will allow us to consult all the audio files in our collection.

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