Hybrid Cloud: What Is It, How Does It Work, And What Are Its Advantages?

You’ve heard of cloud computing, haven’t you? Also called cloud computing, this solution refers to providing computing services, such as storage, software, database, and...

High-Performance And Secure Network For Fast Data Transfer In The Company

Compared to MPLS-based wide area networks, SD-WAN is more flexible, easier to administer, and cost-effective. But how to explain the superiority of SD-WAN compared...

The Green Digital World – Suggestions For More Sustainable Success

We are in the transition phase to a hyper-connected digital world in which sustainability is a top priority. Companies should take a step away...

What Is OwnCloud? OwnCloud vs. Nextcloud

In today's world, almost every one of us has many photos, videos, and files. Due to their simplicity, most of them are stored in...

10 Compelling Reasons Why You Need Embedded Business Intelligence

Embedded business intelligence is the natural evolution of analytics. This revolution in business intelligence provides valuable insight and creates actionable data that you can...

Three Steps To Immediately Increase Digital Security In The Company

From representative preparation to the reception of tweaked business arrangements, for example, those given by RbR Verona: how to build the organization's online protection...

Microservices: 5 Reasons Why This Architecture Makes Data Protection Easier

Opinions are still divided on which IT approach is better: microservices or monoliths. The increasing data protection requirements are a good reason to rely...