How To Recognize That Your Company Is In Need Of Robotic Process Automation (RPA)?

Robotic process automation, in English RPA (Robotic Process Automation), is a technology that has escalated in a dizzying way in recent years. From being...

How To Improve Influencer Marketing With Artificial Intelligence

Microsoft has just closed a contract of more than 10 million dollars with Tyler Blevins, aka Ninja, one of the most famous influencers of...

The Importance Of Robotic Process Automation (RPA) In Human Resources

In a recent report, developed by Future for Work Institute and Meta4, it is stated that 46% of those responsible for human resources are...

Top 5 Best And Secure VPNs In 2020

According to the study of the very serious Global Market Insights, this is what the VPN market should reach in 5 years. Once again,...

Types Of Programming Language You Should Know

The programming languages are mainly divided into two types: low-level, communicating directly with the binary language of machines; and high-level ones, which facilitate their...

What Are Top Advantages Against CyberCriminals?

60% of CIOs believe they are losing the battle against cybercrime1. So how do you develop a winning security strategy against cybercriminals? It is often...

How Facebook Contributed To The Big Data Revolution

As Facebook turns 15 on February 4, 2019, discover how the American company has revolutionized the world of IT. Through numerous innovations developed internally...