Home BUSINESS Companies That Integrate CRM And E-Commerce Are Increasing

Companies That Integrate CRM And E-Commerce Are Increasing


Companies interested in CRM are increasing, a tool that can be successfully integrated into e-commerce. Here are the advantages. E-commerce has seen significant growth following the outbreak of the pandemic. The reasons are different. For example, many consumers, unable to buy products at traditional points of sale, have experimented with online platforms to purchase necessities, so the novelty soon became practical.

In short, electronic commerce has had unprecedented growth. We are talking about + 18% for goods and + 36% for services. In this context, many entrepreneurs have been able to exploit the lockdown and the health emergency in general positively. Still, they have also understood that today more than ever, it is necessary to equip themselves with digital tools to face change and keep up with the times. For this reason, more and more companies are choosing to integrate CRM into e-commerce.

Customer Network

We often read that customers are the company’s best spokespersons. They have a more robust power of conviction than the commercial because they are not judged as biased, and their intervention will have more weight and credibility. These customers necessarily know other potential decision-makers. This relational capacity is often under-exploited by the company. We will focus on two significant functionalities: the management of interpersonal links (who knows who?) and the ability to link a lead to a customer.

It is often said that CRM tools must connect to social networking tools. It’s true. At the same time, it also forgets that CRM is a social networking tool by nature. Why look elsewhere for what exists here? The level of structuring of these links must be adapted to the type of sale of the company. Suppose it is a matter of short and standardized processes or a longer and more specific approach. In that case, we will adapt the precision of the links in the same way as we adapt the mapping of the customer’s decision-making system: if “buyer”, “pay “, “prescriber” is sufficient in simple cases, a complete decision-making scheme is essential for project-type sales.

Provided (and it is essential) that the level of precision requested correlates well with the type of sale of the company, the effort required to structure interpersonal links is much lower than the benefit that the company will derive from it. Finally, in the calculation of the scoring of the interlocutors, and as long as we have ensured the ability to attach a lead to its initiator, the number of tips provided is an element to be considered.

CRM 2022: Updated Data

Customer Relationship Management or CRM tools are created to improve the relationship between customers and the company. Thanks to a single software, entrepreneurs and managers can keep track of what is happening in their e-commerce (and the company in general). Many studies on the subject show that having a CRM today is beneficial for businesses.

For example, Nucleus Research revealed that the ROI in 2021 is $ 30.48 for every dollar spent. The technology is used by 91% of companies with more than ten employees to manage customer conversations (Source: Grand View Research). In short, this tool ensures numerous opportunities for businesses.

Integrating CRM To E-Commerce: The Advantages

Following the growth of e-commerce, many companies have decided to integrate a CRM to satisfy customers better and monitor the availability in the warehouse or the logistics part. The CRM allows you to have all the store data and those of the customers managed within a single software. The success of a sales platform depends on the attention to these factors.

In particular, one of the aspects to pay attention to is precisely the logistics, that is, the path that starts from the order of the product online up to the delivery of the same to the customer. A CRM allows you to track orders and immediately resolve any delays or other issues. But what does a CRM offer for e-commerce?

  • Allows you to check customer records
  • Check the stocks and eventually make a restocking
  • Import and export orders
  • Reduce errors
  • Better manage your marketing actions, as you have all the information on customers and sales at your fingertips.

Having updated data is crucial for any business activity because this allows you to understand any slowdowns or drops in traffic and turnover. In addition, having a single reference tool can be helpful for marketing and sales departments, which in this way can collaborate even better with each other.

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