HomeTRENDING NEWSHave You Been A Victim Of A Paypal Scam? This Is How...

Have You Been A Victim Of A Paypal Scam? This Is How You Can Claim It


The Internet has completely changed consumer habits and has proposed new ways of making our purchases. In fact, many businesses have reinvented themselves to offer their products and services in this way and not just through a physical store.

Today, before buying a product, we make an exhaustive comparison between the number of alternatives available to us to choose the best option that the market offers us.

As a result of this ‘boom’, doubts and fears have arisen about Internet payments, because we are exposed to virtual scams that we are not aware of. This is why services such as Paypal that ensure your online safety and that allow you to protect your personal and bank details. But what happens when you have still been scammed? We tell you everything about Paypal.

What Is Paypal And How Does It Work?

Paypal is an online payment method to which you associate your credit or debit cards and to pay, you only need to include your username and password. Basically it is an intermediary in your purchases that protects your bank details because it is the company itself that sends the money.

Obviously, it is not 100% invulnerable, it can always happen that after making the payment you never receive the purchased product or, even, that someone is able to enter your access codes and send money that you have not authorized. Even so, Paypal is famous for ensuring the safety of users and offering the guarantee of helping them recover their money in case of scam.

What To Do If You Have Been The Victim Of A Scam?

1. They Have Made A Payment That You Have Not Made

If you are a Paypal user, you will know that every time you make a purchase, you receive an email with the invoice for it . If you have not bought anything and you receive an email of this style, then you have the option to enter your account and select the option ” Report this transaction as unauthorized”.

This option will take you to a wide form where you can tell what happened and also specify if there have been any changes of a personal nature (changes in address, telephone number, etc.).

Within 10 days, Paypal will pay you the money closing the case, or it will ask you for more information to resolve any point that is a bit ambiguous to determine if there has been a scam or not.

2. Your Product Has Not Arrived or Has Arrived Damaged

On the other hand, it may happen that you do not receive the product you bought or that you receive it in poor condition. In this case, you must enter the ‘ Report a problem’ section and then ‘Dispute an article’. Two possibilities are opened:

  • You have not received the purchased product: you will have to fill out a form in which you describe your problem. The good thing is that your message goes directly to the seller and usually ends up being resolved fairly quickly.
  • You have received the product in poor condition: the form, in this case, is more extensive, you will have to describe what type of damage your product has and if something is missing. Normally you will have to attach photographs to show what happened.

There have also been other types of scams in which fraudulent emails have been received posing as Paypal l to steal users and passwords. We recommend that when in doubt, you call the Customer Service to make sure of the veracity of the emails. And, of course, never give your access codes to any non-official website.

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