Home BUSINESS How Do I Make A Schedule Spreadsheet?

How Do I Make A Schedule Spreadsheet?


A schedule is essential in running so many affairs in your life. It could be for your employees, school, or even personal daily routines. The schedule helps keep track of all the activities that require attention within a set time.

It’s hard to miss an appointment or activity with such a plan, which improves efficiency and pushes people to reach their set goals. Especially when dealing with employees, having such a plan ensures everyone knows their responsibilities and is accountable. The schedule is great for coordination and is an essential tool for success.

Making a schedule does not have to be tedious because there are several easy-to-implement methods you can choose. Such methods include scheduling apps, free timesheet online, and free templates found in your excel.

What Kind of a Schedule Do You Need?

The purpose determines the kind of schedule to use. Different needs require either daily, weekly, or monthly templates. For instance, you can use either a weekly or monthly schedule to plan for an employee’s schedule.

Below is a detailed guide to help you make an employee’s schedule spreadsheet from your computer without spending an extra coin for a subscription.

  1. First, start the excel file from your computer to open a blank workbook.
  2. Click on the “file” option at the top left of the screen.
  3. Select the “New” option and double-click the schedules option from the available template section on your screen.
  4. From the different options of use available, choose your preference. In this case, it’s an employee’s shift schedule. Double click on the schedule you’ve chosen to open it.
  5. The schedule has dummy information to guide you fill in the right details for your use. It is a weekly schedule with all the days of the week and rows and columns that you can add or delete depending on the number of activities or people.
  6. For instance, to add employees’ names for the Monday shift, the names column is the first on the left side. Click on the boxes and type the names of your employees.
  7. If you need to remove a row or column that you may not need, click on it and right-click on your keyboard or mouse to get the delete option. Select the option to delete either the row or column. In case you want to add a row or column, click on the row or column next to where you wish to add and right-click on your mouse or keyboard. Select on the add row or column option to add either.
  8. For the data provided on the dummy schedule, type in your details to fit your preferred design of a schedule by clicking on the box you wish to use. For instance, to calculate the time used by each employee, choose a letter to represent the time of service under each time block. If, for example, you choose letter “A,” type letter “A” under each time block the employee served and left out the time they were on break. At the end of that row, excel will calculate the number of hours served.
  9. If you have the same number of employees throughout the week, right-click the whole column typed on Monday and copy. Head over to Tuesday, and right-click on the column, and paste the names on Tuesday. After that, you can fill in the other details depending on how you want the shifts handled.
  10. If you added or subtracted a cell on Monday, you need to do the same when you copy the data on the Tuesday section for uniformity.
  11. You can change the time running across the schedule to fit your ideal timing for the employees by typing on the boxes. Also, at the topmost of the schedule, the dummy details filled there are changeable to fit your ideal schedule. It could be the title, department, or the start and end time of your schedule.
  12. Once that is done, click on the “File” option at the top left of the page and choose Save As. Choose the title of the spreadsheet. For instance, it can be the start and end time of the schedule or the date and month of the day the schedule is designed.
  13. Select the location you would love to save your document and click on Save.

Now you can go ahead and print the schedule and hang it on the board accessible to all employees, or print out a copy for each individual.


You have no excuse to be disorganized when you can create a simple schedule spreadsheet in the comfort of your room or office. The best part is that it’s free and you can design it depending on your preference. The guidelines above make it easy to schedule like a professional before upgrading to a more detailed scheduling system. Take advantage of the free timesheets available online and features of excel to construct a schedule today.

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