HomeDIGITAL MARKETINGHow Does The Social Media Advertising Actually Works: You Are Buying It...

How Does The Social Media Advertising Actually Works: You Are Buying It Without Even Realizing What Has Happened


Today, the most effective advertising without any doubt can be called native — in recent years, companies and brands have clearly understood that it is a personal recommendation that sells best. Hence, the cult of blogging and trust has grown, when, after gaining their audience, famous people begin to sell to this audience what they consider good and worthy of attention (at best) or what a brand or company paid them well for. Anyway, the situation has changed somewhat recently, as bloggers are now required to mark advertising integrations — but it cannot be said that sales have fallen significantly because of this.

This is beneficial both from the position of the advertiser, and from the position of the one who advertises, and from the position of those who buy — after all, the best purchase is the one that happens quickly, because of love at first sight, right? When you like a product so much that you can’t imagine how it is going to be if you don’t buy it. This is exactly what native advertising is aimed at. Thanks to the formed connection between the blogger and his audience, thanks to persuasion and a beautiful presentation, people acquire things without even thinking about the fact that, in fact, this was the goal of the company that sells these things.

But how can you become a blogger who can advertise like that, or, if you’re a company, how do you build an account that calls for such trust from its audience?

Obviously, without investments, you almost certainly cannot achieve this level of success: for example, it will be difficult to gain thousands of subs without using the chance to buy Instagram followers for your profile, which is just beginning to grow. Of course, if you have the time and desire to do everything yourself, you can wait a few months (or years) until your profile gets its first thousand subscribers, but why wait if you can greatly speed up the process?

Yes, the opportunity to buy real Instagram followers is not the only thing — you will also probably need advice from a specialist who will tell you how many of these subs you really need, as well as where the Achilles heel of your profile is and what needs to be improved in it. Navigation suffers for many, someone is not strong in color palettes (yes, there are selling colors, did you know about it?), and someone can’t set up a system of saved answers to save themselves time in the process of communicating with customers. Yes, there are many steps to success and each one of them counts and matters.

But if your profile is quite small, you can try to do it all yourself — everyone should first try to understand on their own how the system works from the inside, and if they can’t do it, ask for help. Do not hesitate to do this: there are no stupid questions, there are insufficiently competent specialists who do not know how to answer them intelligently. So take an example from those who have already achieved success, invest in your profile to get a good payback and good luck!

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