Home DIGITAL MARKETING Pay Per Click Google Ads, How To Make It Effective

Pay Per Click Google Ads, How To Make It Effective


Pay Per Click Meaning

Do you often hear about the strategy and design of Pay per Click campaigns but do not know how to structure them to gain leads and sales? Let’s start by saying what Pay by Click means, and let’s see how to use this successful strategy for your PPC campaign on Google.

How Does Pay Per Click Work?

What Is Pay Per Click?

Pay per Click (PPC) is a tool used to advertise online and gain site visits with users interested in purchasing your services/products.

How Does A Pay-Per-Click Campaign Work?

The advertiser starts by offering to place his ad on a sponsored space within a search engine (Google, Facebook, Linkedin, Instagram, Youtube, etc.) Later, the advertisement will appear only to the advertiser’s offer to the target audience. The advertiser only pays a certain amount if the visitor clicks on the ad. It is essential to constantly monitor the progress of your ads to avoid running into scams derived from fraudulent clicks. This is where click fraud prevention software comes into play and makes your constant monitoring an easy job.

What do we mean by ” click fraud “? This is the work of natural persons or computer programs who click on advertisements with the sole purpose of defrauding the advertiser and obtaining economic returns. If you are at the beginning of a business or intend to launch new services/products, it may be challenging to immediately achieve a good ranking on search engines. Using the Pay Per Click strategy, you can have concrete results quickly.

How To Manage A Google Pay Per Click Campaign

A pay-per-click campaign or Ads click for short requires good planning and discrete skills. Now let’s see all the steps necessary to create quality work that generates valuable results over time.

First steps for “click google ads.” First, you need to understand what goals you intend to achieve with your Pay per Click Google Ads campaign. Do you want to increase your sales or your online visibility? Another factor to consider is deciding the audience to target, analyzing the market niche by identifying the related search terms and writing an ad that can generate the most clicks.

Always keep in mind the times and places of research where your ad will be displayed and optimize the landing page to which the ad refers. Define an expense budget. You don’t need a significant expense. First, you can gradually increase it with a low budget and keep only the most effective keywords and ads. If you have a higher budget available, you can think about taking advantage of the Remarketing tool. To achieve more significant results:

  • Focus on an intelligent product that can be helpful to the user and offer it attractively, arousing the interest of your potential customer.
  • Use a call to action that prompts the user to choose your product and make him click on your site, short passages, and texts/slogans related to the chosen keywords.
  • Study your strategy well.

Study high-converting offers and keywords that reflect your business scope and fit the audience you have already selected.

The Details Should Not Be Underestimated

When we talk about Google pay per click, we must never forget to keep the content very high. That’s why creating a good landing page, taking into account your goals (visibility, sales, etc.), is a must. An excellent strategy is to bring the user directly to the product page by clicking on a specific keyword, which immediately clarifies what the product/service you sell is about. The keyword must then be followed by an offer or an invitation to get in touch with your company.

Then using Google Analytics to carry out a market survey on your target users, area, and most requested products is essential to take the Google pay per click campaign to the next level.

Last but not least, constantly monitor the Pay per Click campaign. This is to realize how the business is going. Review your strategy to increase users’ sales and modify keywords thanks to the data obtained from your potential customers. If you are looking for a PPC consultant in the area or someone who can manage your Pay per Click campaign, you can contact us at Bitmetrica. We will be happy to support you in your growth.

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