Home APPS How To Use The Same WhatsApp Number On Two Different Devices?

How To Use The Same WhatsApp Number On Two Different Devices?


Have you ever wondered if it is possible to use the same WhatsApp number on two different devices? Well, here’s the answer: yes it is!

The world of mobile telephony continues to evolve and have more and more weight in our lives. So much so that it is not enough to have only one phone and SIM card.

Many people have two different phones and even more. You can have a mobile dedicated to family and friends and another for work, even separate friends and family or have more than one phone just for work. Whatever the situation, the fact is that having several mobiles to manage at the same time has made some questions arise.

One of the most common is whether it is possible to use the same WhatsApp number on two different devices. We have already said yes, but we have to warn you that the solution is not perfect since it is not possible to duplicate a WhatsApp account to use it on more than one device.

Next, we are going to tell you how to use the same WhatsApp number on two different devices. You can use the same trick that we are going to give you to use the same WhatsApp account on two phones or tablets, it will work on both devices. Pay a lot of attention!

Use WhatsApp On Two Different Devices Thanks To WhatsApp Web

Officially, there is no way to use the same WhatsApp account on two different phones or tablets. But there is an unofficial way to do it and it is not too complicated. Using the same WhatsApp number on two different devices is possible thanks to WhatsApp Web. To be able to have the same WhatsApp account on two phones, tablets, iPads … follow the steps we give you below:

  1. The first thing is to make sure that both devices have an Internet connection.
  2. At least one of the devices must have WhatsApp installed (and the account you want to duplicate active).
  3. On the device you have active the WhatsApp account, make sure you have WhatsApp updated to the latest available version.
  4. Now take the second phone or tablet and open the web browser. Enter: web.whatsapp.com.
  5. In the browser settings, select the ” Desktop site ” or ” Desktop view ” option.
  6. If this option is activated correctly, a QR code will appear on the screen.
  7. On the first device go to: ” Settings “> ” WhatsApp Web “. The QR code scanner will be activated.
  8. Scan the QR code that appears on the screen of the second device.
  9. Once the scan is finished (just a few seconds), the WhatsApp account of the first phone will be activated in the second.

As we said, this trick is used for both Android phones and iPhone and you can also use it to open two WhatsApp accounts on your tablet or iPad.

Use The Same WhatsApp Account On Android With Root

If you have two Android phones with root or you don’t mind rooting them you can use the same WhatsApp number in both. The extra danger involved is clear, root phones are much more vulnerable, but that is your decision. In any case, if you have two mobiles with root and want to use the same WhatsApp account, we tell you how to do it :

  1. In the first mobile, the one with WhatsApp account installed and active, dial: * # 06 #. This will help you to know the IMEI number of the phone.
  2. Now you must open Titanium Backup (and download it before if you don’t have it) and accept when you ask for root permission. Next, you have to save WhatsApp data and these will be saved in sdcard / titanium backup. Copy the file to the computer.
  3. Install WhatsApp on the second mobile and also Titanium Backup. Now, you will also have to install on this Xposed device and the Donkey Guard.
  4. Open Donkey Guard and look for the WhatsApp App. Next go to: ” Settings “> ” Identity ” and mark the square next to ” Device ID “.
  5. A box will open in which you must enter the IMEI of the first device.
  6. Click on the icon in the upper corner to save everything and close Donkey Guard.
  7. Now you have to copy the Titanium Backup file from the first terminal and paste it into the second one (remember that it is in the folder: / sdcard / titanium backup).
  8. Open Titanium Backup and restore data.
  9. You can now use your WhatsApp account on both phones at the same time!
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