Home CLOUD COMPUTING Key Factors To Consider While Planning Oracle EBS To Cloud Migration

Key Factors To Consider While Planning Oracle EBS To Cloud Migration


A couple of years ago, cloud migrations were considered high-intensity projects, only undertaken by some of the most innovative organizations. However, according to recent reports, more than 96% of businesses nowadays are using the cloud in one way or another.

In the meantime, some applications and databases are better suited for cloud adoption than others. Since Oracle EBS offers a comprehensive suite of over 200 applications with various key possibilities, it is usually one of the last applications suites businesses will consider while performing Oracle EBS to fusion migration.

If a business understands how to address the complexity of Oracle EBS and follow the required preparation steps while migrating, they can enjoy all the features Oracle Cloud offers, including flexibility, availability, and scalability too.

In this article, we will discuss key things to consider before you start to follow Oracle ebs to fusion migration.

1. Interface Jobs

One of the first things a business needs to consider while preparing for oracle EBS to fusion migration is to take a look at their interface jobs. This is really important since it will dictate several decisions they will make later and determine the complexity level of Oracle EBS to fusion migration. It is recommended to review the interface job and its resulting transactional volume stats. In addition, it is also recommended to ensure that the connectivity works uninterrupted and the job runs and completes as expected.

2. Application Versions and Certification Status

In addition to the certifications and versions for Oracle EBS, businesses also need to consider the versions and certification requirements of the database, browser, O/S, Java and more to ensure that all the functionality is working optimally in the cloud. Remember, Oracle EBS 12.1.3 premier support is going to end soon, so it’s better to preplan your Oracle EBS to fusion migration.

3. Current Storage Solution

Before Oracle EBS to fusion migration, it is recommended to review their current storage solution and database IOPS requirements so that you can meet your business needs. Such a thing will help you identify the cloud platform offering storage and check if any VM limitations are in place. If the organization is currently using Oracle RAC, then they also need to consider this while making their choices.

Different cloud platforms offer different options, and the necessary areas to review includes:

  • Regions
  • Network throughput
  • Virtual machine size
  • Disk types and configurations

4. Data Migration Strategy

It is recommended to check your data migration strategy to ensure the overall cutover time is minimal. The cloud platform business selects considerable effects on the potential downtime they may experience.

Check the allowed downtime for cutover, such a thing will allow the business to know how much time they’re working with. In addition, they need to select an entirely different approach with a zero-downtime strategy than they have with 48 hours of allowed downtime.

About the Company:

At Opkey, thanks to our automation and fastest adoption time on the market, we empower the world’s largest enterprises to keep pace with release schedules, reduce risk and ensure business continuity. With support for over 100+ technologies and 14+ enterprise applications, Opkey offers resilient test automation for any use case.

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