HomeDIGITAL MARKETINGPresence On The Web: Tips To Improve Online Presence

Presence On The Web: Tips To Improve Online Presence


The presence on the web is essential for anyone who owns a business, of whatever type it is: find out on the blog what is meant by web presence and the most effective tips to improve it.

Anyone who has a business of any kind and wishes to increase its products or services must ensure that its presence on the web is strong and effective. But what is meant by “web presence”, and what does it mean that it must be “strong and effective”?

This guide explains what is called ” web presence ” in English, why it is essential to pay attention to it and how it can be improved with some specific actions.

What is Web Presence?

The concept of “web presence” or “web presence” from a marketing perspective refers to how much and in what way a company or professional is present on the Internet, and that is, more specifically, to the information available on it on the Internet, which can influence customer choices.

As already mentioned, those who have a business cannot help but monitor everything said about their business. Several elements combine to make up the “web presence”: obviously, a privileged role is played by the website, blog and official social pages of the activity, but search engines and sites managed by third parties that host information are equally important—reviews and discussions about it.

Just monitoring what is said and said about the business is not enough. Perhaps not everyone knows that it is possible to intervene actively to improve one’s online presence. Before analyzing this aspect in detail, however, it is necessary to deepen the importance of the online presence to build it with adequate tools.

Why is Web Presence Significant for Businesses?

Before the Internet, those who ran a commercial activity essentially had to worry about managing direct contact with the customer within the physical store and dealing with word of mouth within its actual and potential customers.

For several years now, however, the explosion of the Internet has created infinite potential for companies and professionals, who have the opportunity to promote their business within a much wider audience.

Simultaneously, the Internet offers customers the opportunity to get in touch with the company in multiple ways, regardless of the “physical” experience and even the control of the business owner.

The Internet has decisively and definitively changed the shopping experience: consumers, today, surf the web in search of information and reviews on what they intend to buy and, in many cases, the awareness of the need or desire for a product or service is born just by surfing the Net.

Taking care of your web presence allows you to build a solid Brand Identity and an online reputation “proof of criticism”.

Tips to improve your Online Presence

The time has not yet come for advice to improve your online presence. To do this, a preliminary action is necessary: ​​you need to analyze the current status of your web presence. Moreover, only in this way is it possible to intervene in a precise and effective way on any critical issues and solve problems.

Specifically, it is necessary to consider all the web channels in which the activity is present and monitor users’ visits and interactions, starting from the website/blog owner. The analysis phase does not end with the platforms that host conversations about the activity. It is necessary to deepen the online habits of your target to understand where and how to intercept their needs and desires.

Once you understand the weakest channels where you are present and the platforms where the target spends most, it is easier to intervene right where it is most needed.

More specifically, if our potential customers carry out many searches on search engines regarding our business’s business, it may be appropriate to enhance their site or blog (and your eCommerce) with more SEO-oriented content aimed at deepening the keywords researched.

Similarly, if it has been ascertained that the target prefers a particular social network, it is advisable to focus on the distinctive elements of that specific platform. In the case of a predominantly young clientele, who frequent Instagram in particular, it may help focus on Stories with lighter and more immediate contents.

The analysis of the platforms preferred by the target could also assist in enhancing other channels that are sometimes overlooked, such as email or WhatsApp or Telegram.

Once the interventions to improve your web presence have been carried out, the work is certainly not finished: it is essential to monitor the results of your actions over time, taking care to respond promptly to new requests coming from the Net.

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