The benefits and strategies for applying the GDD to building or revising your website.
Whether designing your new site or considering changes and improvements, you cannot fail to consider these two ingredients: graphics and user experience.
Mixed in a skillful and balanced way, they will create a site design and marketing combination.
This is an approach that allows you to develop your site to make it productive already during the configuration phase.
If you are already doing this, you use the Growth-Driven Design method.
This is an alternative method, applicable in a short time, of building and improving the website.
On the one hand, it can be considered an approach to site maintenance.
A kind of constant control, an action in small steps, to calculate the risks and costs that a classic web project would involve instead.
On the other hand, as a long-lasting construction and surveillance approach.
Therefore, a site is not created in its entirety, and it is restructured after a certain number of years, but a test site is created, already functioning, and ready to be put online.
With Growth-Driven Design, instant changes are made on this draft site.
How is it possible to do all this? Through tests, insights, and research on the user experience. In short, based on user behavior.
But let’s find out more about GDD in detail.
In general, the strength of this innovative approach is to reduce the initial investment and, at the same time, to confirm the site directly to the attitude of consumers, shape it to their needs, and consequently sell.
Significant advantages for your business, right? Yet you can also take advantage of other benefits:
In short, using Growth-Driven Design can be very helpful if you have a large-scale project.
If you have growth and customer affiliation goals, you should think about the possibility of adopting this strategy for your project.
Rather than creating the entire project, this strategy exploits the user experience, too, in a sense, making the site, from time to time, based on the user’s response.
In this way, the initial expense is lower, and the risks of investing in a large project that does not have the expected impact are limited.
While it is true that you do not need to create a complete project, it is recommended that you create a robust action strategy.
Follow 3 main steps.
You must baste your site by creating a provisional version to test the various data on interaction, functioning, expectations, and marketing.
Once the information has been collected, you can move on to apply adjustments and improvements.
With GDD being a strategy based primarily on audience reaction, knowing your users is an essential element to consider.
Take advantage of all the available information to evaluate how you can meet the needs and requests of the selected target with your website.
After launching your site and studying audience reactions, you can proceed with the necessary changes to improve your site’s performance.
Implement all those changes that are useful for the success of the project.
But do not interrupt the test procedure to continue monitoring the site’s progress.
The changes are continuous over time.
Does this approach intrigue you, and do you already want to get to work? Well, let’s see what strategies you can use to implement it.
Growth-Driven Design strategies are not very dissimilar from web marketing strategies.
The difference is that, in this case, you have to use the tools altogether.
Also, in this case, we want to suggest you move according to 3 steps.
It is mainly dedicated to split testing, i.e., comparing two different site pages to see which one works best.
The split test can be used not only for the site pages but also to evaluate other important aspects, such as the user’s path, his movements on the site, the time spent, and so on.
Please take advantage of split tests to improve the graphics from time to time and make them more pleasant and practical for users.
Although this step is a fairly intuitive process, which you can already implement in the phase of the site launch, refining the details will be very productive.
Think about the usability of various devices, the loading speed, the ease of navigation, the interaction with the calls to action, the store catalog, and all the other elements that could benefit from it.
Through all the marketing strategies, data collection, and tests, adapt the site to your target of interest to make him feel even more involved.
Remember that you can still implement this type of strategy if you already have a site.
Start implementing data collection, audience analysis, and site testing techniques.
Indeed, it will be your resource to make the changes that suit your clientele and achieve the best results.
Finally, being a very complex process that supports several techniques simultaneously, keep in mind that you can always turn to a team of experts.
Managing the GDD as a whole on your own could be difficult and cause problems instead of solving them.