Most entrepreneurs have yet to learn the benefits that the establishment of a holding company can offer, thinking that such instruments are only advantageous for large corporations.
If used correctly, a company of this type can become an effective means of protecting one’s profits and family assets and offering significant tax advantages.
Let’s start with the definition: the holding company (known in Italy simply as a holding company) is a financial company holding shareholdings or quotas in other subsidiary companies. Therefore, he carries out management and capital management activities for other companies. Thus a pyramid structure is created, at the top of which we find the parent company or parent company (also called parent ), and at the base, the daughter or subsidiary companies ( subsidiaries ). Based on their function and how they operate, holding companies can be divided into three macro-groups:
Now let’s see in more detail the main types of holding companies based on the particular characteristics they assume.
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It is certainly the best-known and most widespread form in Italy; the economic and productive fabric is largely made up of family-run businesses, many small or medium-sized (the so-called SMEs). The family holding company is particularly useful for preserving the family assets from external attacks and possible illicit behavior by directors and partners during the transition from one generation of directors to another. Above all, it allows you to administer and manage assets more efficiently.
This holding controls companies united by activities with strategic interdependencies, bringing together businesses operating in complementary sectors to manage them synergistically. The management holding company can be financial and operational, carrying out or not carrying out production activities or exchanging goods and services.
The sub-holding is a holding which is interposed to all effects between the parent company and the subsidiaries operating in the same business sector and is almost always a holding of a financial type.
Now that we have seen what a holding company is, let’s find its benefits.
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