HomeBUSINESSWhy Do Agencies Need Design Services?

Why Do Agencies Need Design Services?


Colors, font types, images… What do they have to do with agencies? Okay, firstly let’s go over some facts:

Design can increase recognition and revenue. The consistent use of similar colors, font types, imagery and overall look is one of the most important things for a brand to maintain.

Design helps your business stand out.

In this article you’ll find a quick rundown on what graphic design is, what services it includes and why it’s a great choice for many agencies. So, let’s get going!

What is graphic design?

To put it simply, graphic design is a tool to establish a visual communication between brand and audience. Graphic design helps to explain complex concepts, present facts and figures and make a lot of information easier-to-digest.

Graphic design includes typefaces, page layouts, corporate logos, presentations, business cards, merchandise, and software development.

What do graphic design services include?

Graphic design covers a wide range of products. In this article we will briefly discuss the most popular ones.

1. Web design

Web design is the process of planning, conceptualizing, and arranging content on websites and their mobile versions.

Web designers collect client’s requirements, create future website appearance, and get it ready for frontend developers. Next step – they will apply presented data into the end graphic design product. Want your brand to stand out and wow your clients? The key is smooth-running design created by a gifted pro. For example, Epiic.com offers a full pack of efficient and professional design and content writing services. Don’t hesitate to contact a skilled team.

2. Branding

Branding deals with designing logos and developing brand identity. The task of brand designers is:

  • Obtain information about the brand and its features
  • Design a logo
  • Come up with the principles of brand identity
  • Communicate given information through various advertising media: pens, notebooks, business cards, presentations, etc.

3. UI/UX design

Convenience is an essential quality for modern customers and thus for modern business. With advances in technology, you can do almost anything with the click of a button. However, some apps are more convenient than others. It all depends on the efficiency of the interface (the way you interact with a program or system). Here UI/UX designers get down to business. Their task is to create an easy-to-use, intuitive, and responsive interface. You can hire some expert designers from app development companies or freelance platforms.

Importance of graphic design for agencies

In truth, there are 2 main and crucial components in graphic design:

  1. Aesthetic. Great design should be eye-catching, grab your customers’ attention and arrest their thoughts evoking positive emotions.
  2. Function. Information communicated through graphic design service should be efficient. Customers are expected to consider and remember the offered product rather than just see.

Therefore, a skilled designer not only ducks out of everyday clichés but also has knowledge of all interface hassles. Moreover, talented experts (from the Epiic team) know how to deal with them.

Graphic Design goals and objectives

In today’s crowded marketplace, graphic design is expected to sell products, establish relationships with customers and create a comfortable environment. Banners, books, presentations, business cards, internet and social networks – nowadays we can find design everywhere.

Graphic design tasks:

  • Uniqueness highlighter: graphic design helps to distinguish your agency from the others and calls attention to your brand features. Here your significant colors, corporate graphics, typography, and special layout are the main characters in the play called ‘Your design project’.
  • Information communicator: many graphic design products (logos, presentations, business cards) bring a lot to (our design) party. In this case consideration to your client is a priority. For example, let’s take coffee machine manuals. If there are no pictures and the font is hard to read, it will be difficult for the buyer to understand how to use this product properly. It might even cause damage and harm to your health.
  • Emotional connector: graphic design arouses emotions and creates certain imagery in customers’ minds.

Branding together with other tools can bring your agency tangible benefits. Strong branding will help to increase brand awareness, customer loyalty and boost your business.

Let me give you a simple example: imagine that there are two identical T–shirts, but one of them is a well-known brand. There is no doubt that the brand T-shirt will cost more than an unknown (mostly local, but pretty good) brand. Nevertheless, people will buy a famous brand because they know it and its logo and design seems familiar to them.

Why do businesses need graphic design?

Graphic design solves business problems. Businesses without ad and online presence fail to be successful and may probably stop running. That’s why agencies need web design (or contact an experienced designer) to stay updated.

Nailing it down, these are the main objectives of graphic design:

Create Your Brand

Designers shape your brand form — its logo, corporate colors, and brand identity. They make your agency incredibly remarkable, easy-to-recognize and communicate your brand’s main features without saying a word.

Present Your Products and Services

Customers should get the most complete information about the product. Moreover, this information also needs to be well-organized and easy-to-digest. Here you might need experienced design help and a pro that will combine all marketing tools properly and make your brand outstanding.

Increase Sales

Handy and beautiful proposal catalog will help your customers to make their purchase choice and choose you. This way, you might contact an expert designer to guarantee that your design project is absolutely perfect.

Increase Brand Awareness

Iconic brands, bright and noticeable corporate colors and mascots help customers bear in mind your brand. And if your brand is memorable, it gains more customer trust.

Develop Convenient Software

This is UI/UX designers’ duty. They analyze apps or another interface and tell you how to make it easier, more helpful and user-friendly.

Hope now you have no doubt that with great design your business success is within your grasp.

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